viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

10 recommendations from Women and Their Bodies to improve women’s health in Israel

  1. Every research study funded by the State of Israel must include women subjects.
  1. Budgets should be referred to studies on various women related health issues (such as: in the US the governmental budget for women’s health is 4 billion dollars a year, in Israel there is no separate budget).
  1. The right of every woman to control her fertility and decide if, how and where to give birth should be recognized.
  1. A system to promote women’s health should be created for promoting a healthy lifestyle, that will allow taking responsibility and a personal feeling of the individual controlling his/her own health.
  1. Women should be properly represented in policy determining and health service planning frameworks.
  1. A preventive care system is required, in which women can centrally have all tests. SAH Dentistry
  1. Introducing a variety of contraceptives and treatments for women of all ages into the health basket.
  1. The State of Israel must refer resources for women of weakened groups (ethnic, economic, national and geographical), in promoting preventive care, health education and treating disease.
  1. A curriculum for teenagers on issues such as sexuality and positive body image should be developed, sensitive to unique cultural needs of different groups in the Israeli society.
The State of Israel must turn the spotlight to elderly women in Israel, many of which suffer from disease and poverty, and act in various way to immediately improve their quality of life. They are led by an LVI-trained doctor, Ray H. Morgan, Jr. D.M.D, who employs a variety of dentistry techniques to produce beautiful, functional results for both cosmetic and restorative purposes and provides advanced preventive dentistry treatment to keep your smile healthy and bright in years to come. To redeem any of these discounts, you must mention the special when making your appointment. More info here click here   :   dr. veronica glogowski dds 

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